Not really.  Here, I'll change my call to allocate everything on one level:

  while (true) {
              log(" list size is {1} ",
                new Integer(listToLog.size()));

I don't see how using this you can log primitive values without garbage.

On Fri, Mar 23, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Ximin Luo <infinity0 at> wrote:
> That is because in your example you're allocating all those new Object()s in
> the same stack frame, so the allocator runs out of space on the stack.
> If you put the call to log(x, new Object()) inside its only function call, 
> each
> Object will be destroyed once that call exits, and no GC occurs.
> Example code here:
> The "real use case" just adds one simple operation with each logging call
> (since you're never logging without doing something else as well) to show how
> little of a difference it makes in real terms (<5%).
> X
> On 24/03/12 01:15, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
>> You're right, the example you gave will put the arguments on the
>> stack. ?I wanted to clarify Escape Analysis in its current form works
>> only if a new object doesn't exit the stack frame where it's created.
>> Because of that, the moment you do something slightly more complicated
>> you will create garbage like this:
>> ? ?private static void logListSize ( final List<?> listToLog ) {
>> ? ? ? ? LOG.log(" list size is {1} ",
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? new Object() {
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? public String toString() {
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return String.valueOf(listToLog.size());
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? });
>> ? ? }
>> Here is the tricky part - if you can guarantee that everywhere in the
>> jvm the LOG.log method is disabled by the logging system, then the
>> entire call will compile to noop and no objects will be created.
>> However, if even one call site enables logging you will end up
>> creating the temp objects even if they don't get logged. ?Below is a
>> full example, compile and run passing "-verbosegc -XX:+PrintGC" and
>> watch it GC all the time.
>> ===== ? ===
>> import java.util.*;
>> public class LazyEvalTest {
>> ? ? // only if this is is always false does logging produce no garbage.
>> ? ? private static boolean shouldLog = true;
>> ? ? private static void log(String ar1, Object ar2) {
>> ? ? ? ? if (shouldLog)
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ?System.out.println(ar1 + ar2.toString());
>> ? ? ? ? shouldLog = false;
>> ? ? }
>> ? ? public static void main(String []ar) {
>> ? ? ? ? final List<Object> listToLog = new ArrayList<Object>(1000);;
>> ? ? ? ? ? while (true) {
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? log(" list size is {1} ",
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? new Object() {
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? public String toString() {
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? return String.valueOf(listToLog.size());
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? }
>> ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? });
>> ? ? ? ? ? }
>> ? ? }
>> }
>> ======
>> As far as garbage collection times go, they are a function of the
>> count of live objects and on how easy it is to scan them in parallel
>> and a whole bunch of other factors. ?Others can answer better what
>> values are common for Fred.
>> Zlatin
>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 11:47 PM, Ximin Luo <infinity0 at> wrote:
>>> LOL, are you kidding me?
>>> Please point to the exact lines of code that results in "double-digit
>>> millisecond pauses"?
>>> Talk is cheap, show us some numbers.
>>> BTW, the "example" I gave is not real code, and contains no variable
>>> declarations, so your challenge makes no sense. Since you apparently didn't
>>> understand my implicit argument, here it is in more detail: a typical method
>>> that computes something simply for the purpose of logging it somewhere, 
>>> usually
>>> only allocates local variables that are not stored anywhere in the long 
>>> term.
>>> Escape analysis can turn these into stack allocations, saving GC overhead. 
>>> (If
>>> they do use more long-term variables, they will need to be stored on the 
>>> heap,
>>> but then GC doesn't need to clean these up anyway.)
>>> Why are you even looking at blog entries? Escape analysis has been around 
>>> for
>>> years.
>>> On 23/03/12 02:06, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
>>>> My claim is based on day-to-day observations of hundreds of JVMs under 
>>>> various
>>>> load scenarios.
>>>> Your claim that modern JVMs "do escape analysis" is worthless as it shows 
>>>> that
>>>> you have merely read some blog posts, and even those you've read only
>>>> partially. ?Please point to the exact lines of code in hotspot or any other
>>>> modern jvm that will optimize the specific lazy evaluation example you
>>>> presented, together with the opto-assembly that their JITs produce. 
>>>> ?Failing
>>>> that, take your attitude elsewhere.
>>>> On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:49 PM, Ximin Luo <infinity0 at
>>>> <mailto:infinity0 at>> wrote:
>>>> ? ? The "drastically cleaner syntax" is a red herring. Most of the time 
>>>> when you
>>>> ? ? are doing a complex calculation, you are not going to put it on one 
>>>> line
>>>> ? ? anyway. In such cases, the function you are using to do the 
>>>> calculation might
>>>> ? ? as well be the toString() method of some object.
>>>> ? ? Your claim of "double-digit millisecond" pauses is worthless without 
>>>> some
>>>> ? ? benchmarking and actual numbers. Modern JVMs do escape analysis to 
>>>> avoid heap
>>>> ? ? allocation and this helps especially for transient computations like in
>>>> ? ? logging.
>>>> ? ? On 22/03/12 21:59, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
>>>> ? ? > Double-digit millisecond pauses are not nothing. ?They may be 
>>>> acceptable
>>>> ? ? right
>>>> ? ? > now but unless you can offer a drastically cleaner syntax Fred 
>>>> should stick
>>>> ? ? > with predicates as they are handled much better by the hotspot jit.
>>>> ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > On Mar 22, 2012 5:36 PM, "Ximin Luo" <infinity0 at
>>>> ? ? <mailto:infinity0 at>
>>>> ? ? > <mailto:infinity0 at <mailto:infinity0 at>>> wrote:
>>>> ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? Lazy evaluation is trivial.
>>>> ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ?"{1} did {2}",
>>>> ? ? > ? ? ?new Object(){ public String toString() { return ITEM_1; } },
>>>> ? ? > ? ? ?new Object(){ public String toString() { return ITEM_2; } }
>>>> ? ? > ? ? );
>>>> ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? Garbage collection with short-lived objects costs next to 
>>>> nothing.
>>>> ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? On 22/03/12 21:15, Zlatin Balevsky wrote:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > Constructing the logging strings is half of the problem. ?The 
>>>> amount of
>>>> ? ? > ? ? garbage
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > they will generate will result in significantly more time in 
>>>> garbage
>>>> ? ? > ? ? collection
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > pauses.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > Unless you figure out a way to mimic lazy evaluation you have 
>>>> to live
>>>> ? ? > ? ? with the
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > isLoggable predicates. ?varargs are not an option either 
>>>> because
>>>> ? ? they also
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > create garbage.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > On Mar 22, 2012 8:11 AM, "Marco Schulze" <marco.c.schulze at 
>>>> ? ? <mailto:marco.c.schulze at>
>>>> ? ? > ? ? <mailto:marco.c.schulze at <mailto:marco.c.schulze at 
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > <mailto:marco.c.schulze at
>>>> ? ? <mailto:marco.c.schulze at> <mailto:marco.c.schulze at 
>>>> ? ? <mailto:marco.c.schulze at>>>> wrote:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? On 22-03-2012 08:50, Matthew Toseland wrote:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? On Wednesday 21 Mar 2012 21:18:37 Marco Schulze wrote:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? There are basically two big concerns regarding 
>>>> logging
>>>> ? ? in fred:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Readability and code clutter, which was my 
>>>> original
>>>> ? ? > ? ? questioning;
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Raw throughput, as raised by toad.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? Point 1 could mostly be solved by removing any 
>>>> traces of
>>>> ? ? > ? ? logMINOR and
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? logDEBUG on all but the few places where generating
>>>> ? ? messages
>>>> ? ? > ? ? to be
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? logged brings noticeable slowdown. That'd be 
>>>> enough, but,
>>>> ? ? > ? ? personally,
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? the mess that the logging backend is does warrant a
>>>> ? ? replacement.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? According to toad, the current system needs
>>>> ? ? log{MINOR,DEBUG} to
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? function
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? in a timely manner. Based on this, I think we all 
>>>> agree a
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? replacement is
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? desirable.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? Logging has a few additional requirements:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Log rotation (possibly live);
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Reentrant;
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Per-class filtering;
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Specific information in log (class-name, for 
>>>> example).
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? Now, _any_ library which fits would make me happy, 
>>>> as
>>>> ? ? long as
>>>> ? ? > ? ? they
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? agree
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? to two points:
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Either lightweight or with optional features. 
>>>> Else, it
>>>> ? ? > ? ? would only
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? transfer bloat to freenet-ext.jar. For example: 
>>>> log2socket,
>>>> ? ? > ? ? config
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? management and multiple logging instances;
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Implementable in a few LoC. Specially, it 
>>>> shouldn't need
>>>> ? ? > ? ? specialized
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? Formatter and Writer.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? Plus, it should be fast.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? ?From the quick research I made (yep, too many 
>>>> lists):
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - SLF4J already fails on point one: it is simply a 
>>>> wrapper;
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - The Java logging API fails on point two: 
>>>> specialized
>>>> ? ? > ? ? classes would
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? have to be written to deal with log rotation, 
>>>> per-class
>>>> ? ? > ? ? filtering and
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? formatting, plus a wrapper for 
>>>> Logger.{info,warning,...}()
>>>> ? ? > ? ? methods.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? Exactly the same as a custom logger, with one more
>>>> ? ? dependency
>>>> ? ? > ? ? and using
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? more LoC;
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? No dependancies, it's part of the JDK, isn't it?
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? More classes need to be loaded at startup. It's just me
>>>> ? ? thinking too
>>>> ? ? > ? ? much.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? However, if it's not a clearer/simpler API, it probably
>>>> ? ? doesn't make
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? much sense.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? - Log4J seems to fail on point one - it only lacks 
>>>> a button
>>>> ? ? > ? ? that brings
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? back the dead. It seems interesting, and I haven't 
>>>> dropped
>>>> ? ? > ? ? this yet.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? ? ? In either case (custom or external), log* would be
>>>> ? ? banished.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? Forever.
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? ? ? I don't follow. You object to using a separate logs 
>>>> folder?
>>>> ? ? > ? ? >
>>>> ? ? > ? ? > ? ? log* == log{MINOR,DEBUG}, not the logs folder.
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