Hi Caleb,

If I understand correctly, I would be able to add a new action by
implementing an "Action" component with this approach (hope I'm correct).

- How will I be able to bind my action to a particular URL pattern? (like
download, view, edit actions we have right now)

- Is there a way to resolve conflicts when resolving actions? (when two
action components have bindings to the same URL pattern).

I'm not sure if these questions are premature. But let's find out :P

- Asiri

On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 12:09 AM, Caleb James DeLisle <
calebdeli...@lavabit.com> wrote:

> This has been discussed on IRC but I wanted to send out an email before
> creating a design proposal and JIRA issue.
> Summary:
> Actions need to be ported out of the old core into their own components.
> It is important that the new Action model be in place so that newly added
> actions do not have to be ported as well.
> Current Situation:
> There is an Action interface, an ActionManager, and an XWikiServlet which
> work but design is not finished.
> Use cases:
> 1. When a browser supports gzip compression, the response should be passed
> through a discrete gzip Action component. However if the requested material
> is already compressed (images), it should not be gzip'd.
> 2. If the user is not logged in and the action they are requesting does not
> alter the database (Registration) the request should be passed to a cache
> Action.
> If the cache contains the desired page then it is returned, otherwise it is
> passed
> on to the requested action and when returned it is added to the cache.
> 3. If desired, a filter Action may catch requests depending on user agent,
> ip
> address etc. And reroute the request. Banned!
> I'd love to hear more use cases, I'll post this to the design proposal page
> after I go for a walk.
> Caleb James DeLisle
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