On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:37 PM, Thomas Mortagne
<thomas.morta...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Fabio Mancinelli
> <fabio.mancine...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 3:18 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea
>> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 12:12 PM, Thomas Mortagne
>>> <thomas.morta...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>>>> On Wed, May 9, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Thomas Mortagne
>>>> <thomas.morta...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:12 PM, Marius Dumitru Florea
>>>>> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Fabio and devs,
>>>>>> I found a serious concurrency issue in the REST server module while
>>>>>> debugging the instability of the Extension Manager when
>>>>>> extensions.xwiki.org repository is used (default case) . The Extension
>>>>>> Manager UI searches extensions using REST and very often it gets 500
>>>>>> HTTP response code. See http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-7773 for
>>>>>> instance. The server log from xwiki.org shows that the real cause is:
>>>>>> May 8, 2012 5:09:14 PM org.restlet.engine.application.StatusFilter 
>>>>>> doHandle
>>>>>> WARNING: Exception or error caught in status service
>>>>>> java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
>>>>>> at 
>>>>>> java.util.AbstractList$Itr.checkForComodification(AbstractList.java:372)
>>>>>> at java.util.AbstractList$Itr.next(AbstractList.java:343)
>>>>>> at 
>>>>>> org.xwiki.rest.XWikiSetupCleanupFilter.afterHandle(XWikiSetupCleanupFilter.java:73)
>>>>>> See the full stacktrace http://pastebin.com/hnFSuwem .
>>>>>> The problem is related to the way "releasable components" are managed.
>>>>>> I debugged locally both XWikiSetupCleanupFilter [1] and
>>>>>> ComponentsObjectFactory and here's what I discovered:
>>>>>> * org.restlet.Context.getCurrent() is shared across HTTP requests
>>>>> What I don't understand is that the Context is stored in a ThreadLocal
>>>>> (see org.restlet.Context) so I don't see how it can be shared across
>>>>> HTTP requests. Or maybe it's reused by two consecutive requests ?
>>>> Actually it could be that Restlet put the same context in all the
>>>> request using Context#setCurrent().
>>>> We should maybe use the XWiki Execution context which has been made
>>>> for use cases like that to be safe.
>>> Indeed.
>>> The code that manually releases REST resource components that have a
>>> per-lookup instantiation strategy looks to me like a workaround for
>>> the fact that we don't have a per-request (or per-execution) 'release'
>>> strategy (i.e. components that are automatically released at the end
>>> of the request/execution).
>> That's exactly this. To avoid memory leaks due to the allocations in
>> the ComponentsObjectFactory of per-lookup components that would never
>> be released otherwise.
>> Re the thread issues, I thought that the context was per-request but
>> AFAIU from what you're saying it's not the case.
>> Maybe we could put a thread local providing the actual list in the
>> context instead of putting the list directly.
> Either it's a Restlet bug that should be fixed or we should use
> Execution context IMO.
Execution context is better, right.
I don't remember why I didn't use it originally, if there was a
blocking reason or just an oversight.


>> -Fabio
>>> Thanks,
>>> Marius
>>>>>> * as a consequence, restlet context attributes are shared across HTTP 
>>>>>> request
>>>>>> * RELEASABLE_COMPONENT_REFERENCES context attribute is thus also shared
>>>>>> * while a thread iterates this list in XWikiSetupCleanupFilter another
>>>>>> thread can add a component to the list in ComponentsObjectFactory
>>>>>> * the list grows indefinitely because XWikiSetupCleanupFilter only
>>>>>> releases the components; it doesn't remove them from the list
>>>>>> * older instances are re-released
>>>>>> * since the list keeps references to older instances these instances
>>>>>> can't be garbage collected
>>>>>> Could someone more knowledgeable on the REST module (especially
>>>>>> Restlet) review my findings?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Marius
>>>>>> [1] 
>>>>>> https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/master/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-rest/xwiki-platform-rest-server/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rest/XWikiSetupCleanupFilter.java
>>>>>> [2] 
>>>>>> https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-platform/blob/master/xwiki-platform-core/xwiki-platform-rest/xwiki-platform-rest-server/src/main/java/org/xwiki/rest/ComponentsObjectFactory.java
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>>>>> --
>>>>> Thomas Mortagne
>>>> --
>>>> Thomas Mortagne
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> --
> Thomas Mortagne
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