Resurrecting the thread because there is an issue :)

On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 7:44 PM, Fabio Mancinelli
<> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Vincent Massol <> wrote:
>> On Oct 10, 2012, at 4:39 PM, Fabio Mancinelli <> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hi everybody,
>>> I will try to go forward in committing REST API improvements made by
>>> Ludovic and me.
>>> Looking at the discussion about the pull request I opened
>>> Thomas pointed out the fact that it brings
>>> "xwiki-platform-wiki-manager-api" as a dependency in XE, and this
>>> might require a vote.
>>> xwiki-platform-wiki-manager-api is something that was bundled only in
>>> XEM and not in XE.
>>> I added it as a dependency because I use its code for performing wiki
>>> creation and XAR importing.
>>> Thomas' comment is here:
>>> So the vote is about the bundling of xwiki-platform-wiki-manager-api
>>> in XE for merging this pull request.
>>> I am +1, of course.
>> -1 ATM until convinced otherwise. This would be a mess. Our goal is to do 
>> the opposite and remove dependencies not create new ones :)
> Thanks. Actually I agree with your -1.
>> Each module should bring its own REST resources so the wiki creation REST 
>> resource should go in wiki-manager-api or in a new wiki-manager-rest module.
> Ok, so the idea is to add a new module that is bundled only with XEM
> and that add wiki creation if present. Which sounds good.
> I need to check if it's feasible though...
> The problem here is the following: The core REST API which is based on
> the very XWiki model, "talks" about wikis.
> Now the resource about wikis "/rest/wikis/{wiki}" is in the core REST
> API that is bundled in the REST module in XE.
> So wiki creation should refer to this resource: in the current
> implementation, in fact, it is a POST method of the resource
> associated to "/rest/wikis".
> Now if we want to move this functionality in XEM we should be able to
> bundle a resource that points to "/rest/wikis" as well and add the
> POST handling.
> In principle should be ok, but I have to be check it. Because in this
> case we will have two classes that are annotated with the same @Path
> annotation and I don't know if Restlet JAXRS is going to like it.
I checked this and it doesn't work :(

The REST API registers a /wikis resource that accepts a GET.

In a new wiki manager module we would need to "augment" this resource
so that it can handle POSTs (i.e., a POST to /rest/wikis to create a

The problem is that we cannot register two resources that have the
same @Path annotation (i.e. /rest/wikis), even though there is no
ambiguity in how they handle the requests (i.e., GET in one resource,
and POST in the other)

An (quite ugly) workaround, since we cannot bundle wiki manager with
XE, is to bind wiki manager REST API to other endpoints:

* POST /rest/wiki-manager/wikis for creating wikis
* GET /rest/wiki-manager/wikis for getting a list of wikis (redundant,
similar to /rest/wikis/)
* DELETE /rest/wiki-manager/wikis/{wikiName} to delete a wiki

It's a pity because we could have modeled these operations with the
resources we currently have, but it's technically infeasible.



P.S.: I've reas that the RESTEasy is able to do that. But Restlet (and
also Jersey) aren't.

>> Same for XAR importing. There should one XAR importing REST API that works 
>> without wiki-manager-api (just using oldcore's Packager) and possibily 
>> another one in wiki-manager-api which may extend the simpler one (or create 
>> a new one altogether) for importing in several wikis.
> Actually I was wrong in the description of the functionality. The
> dependency on wiki manager is needed only for wiki creation. XAR
> importing is done using the packager plugin in the oldcore, so it
> would work normally even if wiki manager is not there.
> Thanks,
> Fabio
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
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