Why does that value have to be stored in the wiki document?

Personally, I'd make it a Computed Field, and always get the current
value from an external service. This has the disadvantage that the
livetable can't filter/order by the number of installations.

If the cost of fetching data from an external service is a concern, then
add a TTL cache.

On 08/15/2016 06:54 AM, Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi Thomas and all,
> Back from holidays! :)
> I’ve noticed that the new feature of counting installed extensions on e.x.o 
> is having a drawback: it saturates the activity stream, making it very hard 
> to see real edits by users. Every day the scheduler modifies lots of wiki 
> pages to set the new install count. See for example: 
> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/News
> I think a simple change would be for the scheduler to make modifications as 
> minor edits. This should prevent the edits from being visible in the AS.
> Now this is going to cause another real issue very soon: pages will soon 
> start to have a lot of revisions and we know this is currently a performance 
> issue. It’s also hiding real edits in the history making the history a bit 
> less clean.
> I guess an option would be for the scheduler to delete the last revision 
> after it updates a page. Although not very nice, it could work for now. WDYT?
> Thanks
> -Vincent

Sergiu Dumitriu
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