Hello Devs,

I would like to propose a new best practice for the way we close issues as

As an example I've reported this issue:
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-13728 which was later closed as a
Duplicate to http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-13729.

>From my perspective, this is not correct since the issue I reported is
valid from an user's POV.
I would have preferred that my issue was renamed and that developers would
have added some technical information as a comment to it if they wanted to
do so.
It just doesn't make any sense to me to close a perfectly valid issue as a
Duplicate just to create another one that has a more technically correct
summary and description.

It also doesn't make sense to close the original issue as a Duplicate to a
duplicate issue :) (pun intended)
I see things like this: my issue's description is a use-case of the issue
later reported by Edy, so if anything, Edy's issue should be closed as a
Duplicate to mine and not the other way around.

One scenario where I think issues dated previously should be closed as
Duplicate is if the new issue has already been fixed. For example when a
Developer doesn't notice an older issue and starts working on the new one
instead of closing the new one as a Duplicate and work on the older one.
There might be more, feel free to add them to this thread.

So, what I propose is that we don't close original issues as Duplicate
unless it falls into the category previously described or some other
exceptions that I can't think of now and might occur.

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