+1 for moving even more of the functionality in Java, not just this

On 11/17/2016 07:00 AM, Guillaume Delhumeau wrote:
> Hi.
> The Blog Application is one of our main applications. It has been fully
> written in Velocity, so that even users who don't have programing rights
> can install it on their wiki.
> However, I am currently working on XWIKI-13861 [1]. It is about marking the
> blog documents as hidden when they are not "published" so that visitors
> won't find them by mistake with the search engine. To accomplish it, I've
> created a listener that change the document visibility when a blog post is
> saved.
> To implement this listener, we have 2 options, with both benefits and
> drawbacks:
> A: Write the listener with Java and introduce an xwiki-platform-blog-api
> module.
> ===========================================================
> Pros:
> * It follows our Best Practices.
> * We use a nice and powerful language: Java.
> Cons:
> * It make the Blog Application dependent to a Java Module, so the wiki
> administrator needs the PR to install it if the JAR is not already
> installed in the WAR.
> * Note that this JAR would be bundled in the XE's WAR while the Blog
> Application is part of the main wiki flavor, so XE users won't see the
> change right now.
> B: Write the listener with Groovy directly on a wiki page.
> ==========================================
> Pros:
> * Blog Application remains a full XAR extension that you can install
> without PR, as it has always been.
> Cons:
> * We need to use the groovy macro, which is not consistent with our Best
> Practices.
> * We need a bit of plumbing to register the listener (what we really need
> is to be able to write listeners easily with an XObject).
> * If the user has not the PR, the listener will not be registered, so the
> new behavior introduced by XWIKI-13861 won't be applied. It's a kind of
> nice degradation but we need to explain it to the user, which will be
> technical and not user-friendly (we already have lacks on this domain).
> C: Don't write a listener, but make all changes in Velocity
> =========================================
> Pros:
> * It remains a full XAR extension.
> * No degradation
> Cons:
> * We need to make the business logic of hiding the blog document in a
> velocity service and in the blog post sheet.
> * It is less safe than the listener because a user can still change the
> "hidden" and the "published" values of the XObjects and bypass the
> synchronization.
> * We cannot write an automatic migrator that would be executed only on wiki
> events.
> Conclusion
> ========
> My preference goes to A, because:
> * I don't really like the degradation principle for technical reasons that
> the user might not understand.
> * It's simple & safe.
> * If I would have written the Blog App myself, I would have made a Script
> Service in Java to put the business logic away from Velocity.
> * We have plenty of extensions having Java modules. A better approach would
> be to authorize the installation of approved and/or signed modules even
> when the admin has not the programming right.
> Since we need a collegial decision, I am asking you your opinion :)
> Thanks,
> [1] http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-13861

Sergiu Dumitriu
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