On Wed, May 23, 2018 at 12:20 PM, Adel Atallah <adel.atal...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> Hello devs,
> I need your opinion on how we should import new components (i.e.
> translations) into Weblate <http://l10n.xwiki.org>.
> Weblate allows you to create components directly on their platform but it
> will be very difficult for us to so because we would have to run an import
> script to generate translation files and then fill in many error prone
> information.
> So what I was thinking of was to create a script which will just read a
> file where each line contains:
> 1. The component name
> 2. The base translation file path (english translation file)
> 3. The repository url
> It will then create or import the component automatically based on these
> lines.
> The downside is that you'll have to modify a file each time you want to
> create (or delete) a component and you'll have to execute the script from
> the server.

Would it be very complex to expose some page with a form with those 3
informations to not have to ssh to the server ?

Or at the very least automate the executing of the script when
something is added to the file and pushed on
https://github.com/xwiki/xwiki-dev-tools (or move weblate stuff to a
dedicated repository to have less false triggers).

> Thanks,
> Adel

Thomas Mortagne

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