
On 31/10/2018 09:06, Vincent Massol wrote:
Hi devs,

We currently have 

However, it doesn’t say explicitly which versions we officially support:
* For HSQLDB it says 2.3.3 which is wrong since the latest version is 2.4.1
* For MySQL it says 5.x but doesn’t specify which specific version(s)
* Same for other DBs

We cannot really support every versions since supporting means testing too.

So what I propose:

Question 1: definition

* We say we support the latest stable version of the databases for a given 
version cycle
** For MySQL, it’s the latest of the 5.x cycle, which is 5.7.24 as of today 
(see https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/)
** For PostgreSQL,  it’s the latest of the 9.x cycle, which is 9.6.10 as of 
today (see https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres/)
** For Oracle, it’s the latest of the 11.x cycle, which is as of 
today (see 


Question 2: review what we support

* For MySQL I think we could also start supporting MySQL 8.x (ie the latest 
version of that cycle). We have an issue open for it currently: 
* For PostgreSQL we could also start supporting versions 11.x (ie the latest 
version of that cycle)
* For Oracle, we could also start supporting versions 12.x (ie the latest 
version of that cycle)

+0 I don't really know how much effort it involves to ensure the support of the latest version of each database and to fix the bugs accordingly.

Question 3: decide if we drop some support

* Is there any cycle that we should support for? Right now I think that MySQL 
5.x is still heavily used, same for postgreSQL 9.x I guess. Don’t know for 
* Any idea?

What about the cycles that are bundled in major LTS distributions?


So WDYT about the 3 questions?


Simon Urli
Software Engineer at XWiki SAS
More about us at http://www.xwiki.com

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