Vincent, all,
Vincent Massol:
Hi Stephane,
On 30 Jan 2019, at 11:12, Stéphane Laurière <> wrote:
Hi everyone,
I'd like to propose an evolution of the livetable Excel export macro [1] so as to support
CSV export, and possibly ODS in the future. I'm adding Anca and Guilhaume as original
authors (and we discussed the idea with Anca). Since the existing macro name would not
match with this new functional perimeter, my proposal would be to create a new macro that
we could call "livetable exporter macro". This macro would be at first a copy
of the existing one in order to keep the source code history tree, and then it would
evolve on its own.
Hence my question: would you approve the creation of a
"macro-livetable-exporter" repository on, and an LTEXP
project in JIRA?
IMO your proposal should include moving the current Excel Export macro to
xwiki-attic and update the extension doc page for it to explain it’s been
deprecated and abandoned in favor of the new macro. Ofc this should be done
only after a first release of the new macro.
So my main comment is to reduce possible confusion for users and developers to
the max.
Another possibility (better for the user IMO):
* Reuse the same repo
* Increase the major version for the extension
* Keep the old macro as legacy and have it call the new one for its
implementation. Also make it output some info to the user to explain that it’s
deprecated and point to the new macro
* Add the new macro
Right, this approach sounds less confusing for users indeed. I'll follow this
path then, unless anyone objects, and I'll make sure to update the existing
macro documentation page.
Cheers & thanks,
[1] <
Stéphane Laurière
Stéphane Laurière