
On Wed, Aug 09, 2017 at 07:54:05AM -0700, Michael Stapelberg wrote:
> Thanks for sharing your tool!

Thank you but I don't use go nor perl regulary :-(  I wish uscan was in

But supporting github for go or other project is high on my list.               
> Hence, I think extending uscan is a much much more elegant route to achieve 
> our
> goal, and I’d like to ask people to hold off providing/using custom services 
> as
> a stop-gap measure. Thanks!

I am thinking to add features to support use case for github for go as
much as it can be as generic solution extendible by user.  (normally,
this is the last thing on my list since uscan is already too
complicated.  The last thing we need is project/site specific brute
force work around.)

If you explain in a plain english (or in patch) text what you wish!
(Please don't send me complicated perl code. I am no perl speaker.  My
perl skill is woose than my English one.)

I know there is a bug report on uscan support of github which I should
be working on.  :-)


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