Call Tomorrow to Save Endangered Species!These possible reg changes could 
really roll back ESA implementation and species protection.  The phone number 
here is for my Congressman, but it would be great if you would consider making 
a call to yours.  If you have questions, give me a call.  


Sally E. Stefferud
315 E. Medlock Drive
Phoenix, AZ  85012

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Center for Biological Diversity 
To: Jerome Stefferud 
Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 2:24 PM
Subject: Call Tomorrow to Save Endangered Species!

                  Dear Jerome,

                  Newly leaked documents show that the Bush administration is 
working on regulations that would sidestep Congress to roll back the Endangered 
Species Act. Fortunately, some congressional leaders are standing up to the 

                  Please join people across the country for a National Call-in 
Day of Action on Wednesday, May 2! Tomorrow, May 2, call your representative in 
Congress and ask him or her to sign on to the letter of opposition being 
circulated by Representatives Hinchey, Moran, and Shays.

                  Your Representative's phone number:
                  Ed Pastor, (202) 225-4065

                  WHAT'S AT STAKE

                  Following the collapse of Richard Pombo's efforts to 
undermine the Endangered Species Act in 2006, the Bush administration pledged 
to eviscerate it through administrative rulemaking instead. On March 27, some 
of the administration's plans came to light in a set of leaked draft 
regulations that would slash the Endangered Species Act from head to toe. 
Fortunately, these damaging regulations have not yet been formally proposed - 
and a strong showing of concern from Congress will help keep it that way.


                    a.. Please sign the Hinchey/Moran/Shays letter about the 
Bush administration's draft Endangered Species Act regulations. 
                    b.. The regulations are a sweeping rewrite that attacks 
almost every aspect of the Act. If adopted, they would hinder endangered 
species listing, recovery, habitat protection, and federal oversight. 
                    c.. Congress must review any broad changes to the 
Endangered Species Act.
                  Click here for more information about the draft regulations.

                  Donate now to support this action.

                  Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this. 

                  If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up 
for Center for Biological Diversity - Biodiversity Activist.  

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