Original Message ----- 

From: Untung Wang 


Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 9:09 PM

Subject: (SB) (Info) Did u know... Nadya
Hutagalung is a Buddhist? :)



just wanna share with you guys nih.

Beberapa hari yang lalu gue baca di koran sini, Singapore Strait Times, ada
article ringan yang lumayan menarik perhatian gue, It's about Nadya Hutagalung
and her life now. Here are some of the lines in the article: "..Nadya
Hutagalung is now happy and at peace, thanks to Buddhism and her husband,
former national swimmer Desmond Koh.."

Article nya cukup panjang. I tried to find it on the net but unfortunately
couldn't. Ada
di website Strait Times nya tapi musti subscribe. hehe.

Anyway, di article itu diceritain gimana masa lalunya dia tuh horrible banget.

Starting career as a model at the age of only 14, dia jadi ter-exposed sama
drugs and lifstyle model yang gila2an bebas. Terus dua ex (boyfriend and 
nya abusive dan sering physically abused her. Basically her life was all
miserable and created a bad impact on her psychological self gitu deh..

Diceritain bahwa dia sekarang dah nemuin that 'Peace of mind' dari belajar
Buddhism. ciee.. hehe. 

here's the passage:

".. This change can also be attributed partly to Buddhism, which she
started practising two years ago. It has given her a sense of calm and made her
a better mother, friend and wife, she says. The slight limp which she is
nursing today is the result of a two-hour session of prostration during her
weekly Buddhism classes.."

The rest of the article talks about her past, career, etc.

Menariknya dia juga punya business Jewelery 

yang dikasih nama Osel (means 'clear light' in Tibetan. Inget lama Osel?)

Anyway, I just thought that was an interesting news and not many people know.

Yang di indo kan taunya Dewi n marcell aja yang aktif sebagai Buddhists.

Setau gue masih banyak juga western actors&actress yg Buddhists, kayak Jet
Lee (ehemm ;b), Richard Gere (basi news. hehe), Steven Seagal, Keanu Reeves,
Mark Wahlberg, Orlando Bloom, Jennifer Lopez (Hot! hehe.), Uma Thurman (secara
bokapnya, Robert Thurman penulis dan sejarahwan Tibetan Buddhist gitu lho) and
of course, my favourite rap group Beastie Boys! 

(Beastie Boys actually wrote a rap song with Dharma teaching in it, you guys
should check it out, it's called Boddhisattva' s Vow. The music is combination
of Hip Hop and Tibetan music instrument. And the lyrics is so good).

Well, some of you may say, "So what kalo banyak orang ngetop yg

Ya ga kenapa2 juga sih. hehe. But I think it should make us realise that
Buddhism is beautiful, that it attracts so many people and that we also hear so
many times how their life change to become much better after learning and
practicing Buddhism.

Seperti yang kita denger dari cerita Dewi Dee dan Nadya di atas.

The fact is, we often
take things for granted. Apa yang dari dulu udah kita punya seringkali ngga
kita sadari dan hargai. Sebagai Buddhist dari lahir, kita kadeng ngga merasa
punya sesuatu yang berharga, jadi ngga dipelajari lebih jauh dan dipraktekkan.
Beda dengan orang2 yang baru menemukan Buddhism setelah mereka bener2 mencari.
They feel like they have found beautiful jewel and they really appreciate it.

So, kalo mereka2 yang baru menemukan Buddhism aja bisa bangga dan become happy
by practicing it, kenapa kita ga bisa? ;)

Well, are you proud to be a Buddhist? I am. :D


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