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In a message dated: Thu, 01 Jul 1999 16:15:17 EDT
Ted Lemon said:

>Dude, if there were known ways of doing this, I'd have fixed them!

Okay, that's cool, I can live with that :)

>I don't think anybody's done an audit specifically looking for
>vulnerabilities of this type, so if I were in your Doc Martins, I'd
>suggest doing one before you deploy something like this.  I don't know
>of a problem, and I've made sincere and concerted efforts to avoid
>such problems, but I'd hate to see you assume there are none and then
>be painfully surprised later on.

Well, for the most part if my users crash their system because of stupity, I 
don't much care :) On the other hand, if they were to gain root access on one 
of those systems because they discovered some flaw in the dhcp server, then I 
might be a little concerned.  Of course, once I found out about it, I'd write 
a quick check in the startup script to grep out that line, and 
fail to start the server.  Of course, I'd first mail the offending config file 
to this list, then go hack the startup script :)

For the most part, I'm not too worried about my users intentionally looking 
for this type of hole, they have much better things to do, and most aren't 
bright enough to write their own .emacs files, never mind find a 
buffer-overflow problem :)

Thanks a lot.

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