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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Sometimes server / client doesn't honor leasing time
      (Bob Harold)
   2. Re: make dhcpd assign two addresses (Bob Harold)
   3. Re: make dhcpd assign two addresses (Henri Wahl)
   4. Re: make dhcpd assign two addresses (Bob Harold)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 11:34:23 -0500
From: Bob Harold <>
To: Users of ISC DHCP <>
Subject: Re: Sometimes server / client doesn't honor leasing time
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 10:18 AM, Roberto De Oliveira <> wrote:

> Hello everyone!,
> I am writing you because I have a DHCP cluster and sometimes I have a
> weird behavior between server / clients, they don't agree on the lease
> time, I have this configuration on both servers:
> default-lease-time 129600;
> max-lease-time 129600;
> min-lease-time 129600;
> And sometimes I have this on dhcpd.leases:
> lease X.X.X.X {
>   starts 2 2016/12/27 13:16:56;
>   ends 2 2016/12/27 14:16:56;
>   tstp 4 2016/12/29 01:46:56;
>   tsfp 2 2016/12/27 10:29:38;
>   cltt 2 2016/12/27 13:16:56;
>   binding state active;
>   next binding state expired;
>   hardware ethernet f4:09:d8:7a:fd:a5;
>   uid "\001\364\011\330z\375\245";
>   client-hostname "android-2003cbf0e82ff81d";
> }
> The lease ends an hour later despite of tsfp is equal to *-lease-time.
> What is happening in this cases?.
> Thanks in advanced.
> --
> Saludos,
> Roberto De Oliveira
In DHCP failover setup, the first lease time is the "MCLT", and the normal
lease time is given on a renew.  Your MCLT is probably one hour.  Check
your dhcpd.conf file.

Bob Harold
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Message: 2
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 11:40:13 -0500
From: Bob Harold <>
To: Users of ISC DHCP <>
Subject: Re: make dhcpd assign two addresses
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Eugene M. Zheganin <>

> Hi,
> I need to assign two IPv6 addresses in my network - one
> private/local-unique and one public to each requesting client. So far I'm
> successful in assigning only one. There's a message from 2010 under the
> subject "
> How to config dhcpv6 server to assign multiple subnet address", and the
> reply mentions that the 'shared network {}' clause should be used, and two
> prefix-separated pool should be configured. I did that, but still my
> clients (at least my FreeBSD with dhcp6c) receives only one address. So I
> want to ask - who's opinion is valued the most, and who makes the decision
> about multiple IPv6 addresses ? The client or the assigning server ?
> I'm using the isc-dhcpd 4.3.4 server and main part of my config looks like:
> shared-network foobar {
>     limit-addrs-per-ia 2;
>     subnet6 fd00::500/120 {
>         range6 fd00::500/120;
>         option fd00::1;
>     }
>     subnet6 2a02:XXXX:40::500/120 {
>         range6 2a02:XXXX:40::500/120;
>         option fd00::1;
>     }
> }
> Thanks.
> Eugene.

 The article is probably showing how to use two different subnets in the
same VLAN.  The DHCP server will assign an IP from either range.

I do not think there is any way to tell a DHCP server to hand out more than
one IP to a client, or to tell the client to ask for more than one IP on a
given interface.
I think you might need to re-design your network.

Bob Harold
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 17:53:55 +0100
From: Henri Wahl <>
Subject: Re: make dhcpd assign two addresses
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"

> I do not think there is any way to tell a DHCP server to hand out more
> than one IP to a client, or to tell the client to ask for more than one
> IP on a given interface.
> I think you might need to re-design your network.

DHCPv6 allows that a server gives several addresses to clients. Problem
is on the client side where all OS treat this differently. Windows since
Vista takes them, macOS doesn't until today and Linux (or dhclient)
should take them all too meanwhile. I do not know about FreeBSD in this

For us problem was the server side so we wrote our own DHCPv6 server.
See - dhcpy6d serves multiple addresses
to clients for years now in exactly such an ULA/GUA setup.


Henri Wahl

IT Department
Leibniz-Institut fuer Festkoerper- u.
Werkstoffforschung Dresden

tel: +49 (3 51) 46 59 - 797

Nagios status monitor Nagstamon:

DHCPv6 server dhcpy6d:


IFW Dresden e.V., Helmholtzstrasse 20, D-01069 Dresden
VR Dresden Nr. 1369
Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands, Dr. Doreen Kirmse
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Message: 4
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2017 11:56:48 -0500
From: Bob Harold <>
To: Users of ISC DHCP <>
Subject: Re: make dhcpd assign two addresses
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 11:53 AM, Henri Wahl <> wrote:

> > I do not think there is any way to tell a DHCP server to hand out more
> > than one IP to a client, or to tell the client to ask for more than one
> > IP on a given interface.
> > I think you might need to re-design your network.
> >
> DHCPv6 allows that a server gives several addresses to clients. Problem
> is on the client side where all OS treat this differently. Windows since
> Vista takes them, macOS doesn't until today and Linux (or dhclient)
> should take them all too meanwhile. I do not know about FreeBSD in this
> field.
> For us problem was the server side so we wrote our own DHCPv6 server.
> See - dhcpy6d serves multiple addresses
> to clients for years now in exactly such an ULA/GUA setup.
> Regards
> --
> Henri Wahl
> IT Department
> Leibniz-Institut fuer Festkoerper- u.
> Werkstoffforschung Dresden
> tel: +49 (3 51) 46 59 - 797
> email:
> Nagios status monitor Nagstamon:
> DHCPv6 server dhcpy6d:
> PGP:
> IFW Dresden e.V., Helmholtzstrasse 20, D-01069 Dresden
> VR Dresden Nr. 1369
> Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Burkard Hillebrands, Dr. Doreen Kirmse
Thanks for explaining that.  I have not used DHCPv6 yet, so I was assuming
it acted like DHCPv4.  My mistake.

Bob Harold
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End of dhcp-users Digest, Vol 100, Issue 14

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