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Today's Topics:

   1. Should "dhclient -1" call dhclient-script FAIL on failure
      (Thomas Markwalder)
   2. isc dhcp server weird hostname option value (Radoslav Pe?ek)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2017 13:52:27 -0400
From: Thomas Markwalder <>
To: Users of ISC DHCP <>
Subject: Should "dhclient -1" call dhclient-script FAIL on failure
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

Hello ISC DHCP users:

We are looking for some feedback on a rather old issue:

The issue:

    'When "dhclient -1" fails to get an address, it does not call
dhclient-script FAIL as it does without -1.'

For quite some time packagers have been including a patch to dhclient
such that it does invoke the script on failure, regardless of the
one-try flag.

We have a few directions to go with this:

1. Include the patch in our next maintenance release -  This would alter
the default behavior but runs the risk of surprising people.

2. Include the patch in our next maintenance but wrapped in conditional
compilation that is disabled by default. Thus preserving the default
behavior but still making the patch available.

3. Do nothing.  Leave the burden of checking dhclient's exit status to
it's caller or to packagers to continue patching it.

4. Do #2 now, and then for the next feature release reverse it so that
it is compiled IN by default.

5. Do #2 now, and then for the next feature release, change it to
command-line option that enables/disables it.  Probably enabled by default.

6. Other

Your timely feedback would be most welcome.  Thank you for your
continued interest in our software.


Thomas Markwalder,

ISC Software Engineering


Message: 2
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2017 13:28:40 +0200
From: Radoslav Pe?ek <>
Subject: isc dhcp server weird hostname option value
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

Hi all,

I sent this email few weeks ago (without being subscribed here), and 
didn't receive any reply, nor do I see it in lists archive. So I write 
once again after subscription, hope it will work now.


My isc dhcp server behaves strangely - it sends some clients dhcp 
hostname option value which I don't know where it is getting it from.

It's on Debian 8.5, version 4.3.1. It's in failover mode.

I'm using dynamic hostname generation for some clients based on last 
byte of their mac address:

|set mac_6 = suffix(concat("0", binary-to-ascii(16, 8, "", 
substring(hardware, 6, 1))), 2); ddns-hostname = concat("vm1", mac_6); 
option host-name = config-option server.ddns-hostname; |

So for example client with mac address ending 02 should get hostname 
vm102 - and it seems to work correctly - I added logging to my dhcp 
config and I see in log file both option host-name and config-option 
server.ddns-hostname set to vm102.

I also see in dhcpd.leases

|set mac_6 = "02"; client-hostname "vm102"; |

But when I run tcpdump for this client, I see

|Hostname Option 12, length 5: "vm121" |

and at least once it changed to vm103.

So where is it getting it from? What are the sources for this option 
when dhcp server sends DHCPOFFER or DHCPACK?

It works after dhcp server restart, but then it starts again after a whlie.

I tried to read isc-dhcp-server's source code but got bit lost as it was 
hard to follow.

Thanks for any help.


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End of dhcp-users Digest, Vol 104, Issue 10

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