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Today's Topics:

   1. stuck up record in DNS (Nepryakhin Ivan)
   2. Best practice assigning ip addresses to containers (that can
      have multiple instances) (Marc Roos)
   3. Re: stuck up record in DNS (Simon Hobson)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 17:40:47 +0300
From: Nepryakhin Ivan <>
To:,, Kokorin Pavel
Subject: stuck up record in DNS
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

hi guys!

I'm encountered with a strange issue:

 ?- host with? the name host12-c12-1 one time requested and? get the? 
 ?- dhcpd correct doing records ( A and PTR ) in? DNS
 ?- BUT after host shutdown and in the file dhcpd.leases line "binding 
state" become in the "free" - records A and PTR staying stuck in the 
base of DNS.

i thinking? what DHCP- DDNS work in the next scheme:

 ?- HOST doing request for ip? address
 ?- DHCP? getting request and try write RR's A and PTR in DNS
 ?- DHCP give out ip address and do a record in the file dhcpd.leases
 ?- when time lease expire? DHCP remove RR's A and PTR from DNS

Please give me vector for a searching or suggestion about mistakes.


P.S unfortunately i can't upgrade my environment



cuted of the file

lease {
 ? starts 5 2019/08/09 11:00:47;
 ? ends 5 2019/08/09 12:00:47;
 ? tstp 5 2019/08/09 12:00:47;
 ? cltt 5 2019/08/09 11:00:47;
 ? binding state free;
 ? hardware ethernet 18:10:2b:12:db:12;
 ? uid "\001\010\000'\216G\220";

cuted from the file /etc/named/tsc/

$TTL 1800?????? ; 30 minutes
host12-c12-1??? A???
 ??????????????????????? TXT "00ffa9c88e143752544ac44exxxxxxxxxx"

cuted of the file dhcpd.conf:

## DDNS related configuration

ddns-update-style interim;
ddns-rev-domainname "";
ddns-domainname "tsc.";
update-static-leases on;

group {

 ??????? option routers;
 ??????? ddns-hostname = host-decl-name;

 ??????? update-optimization false;
 ??????? update-conflict-detection false;

# example host
 ??? ??????? host host12 {
 ??????????????? hardware ethernet 18:31:BF:xx:xx:xx;
 ??????????????? fixed-address;
 ??????? }


                T: +7 (812) 325-88-48, ext 6225
?: +7 (911) 291-81-68 <> <>

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Message: 2
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 18:52:02 +0200
From: "Marc Roos" <>
To: dhcp-users <>
Subject: Best practice assigning ip addresses to containers (that can
        have multiple instances)
Message-ID: <"*"@MHS>
Content-Type: text/plain;       charset="US-ASCII"

For tls communication I need to have correct task names. I was thinking 
of using the dhcp-client-identifier to have tasks request a pre reserved 
ip range, from which they will receive an ip address and dns has already 
been setup for these addresses.

Currently I have just a shared-network configured and a group with some 
host entries that give a fixed-addresses based on a hardware ethernet.

What would be the easiest way to realize that multiple instances of the 
ldap server can be launched having all the same hostname ldap.local they 
would get an ip address from the set,,, based on the client id they are 
sending via dhcp. 

I saw the dhcpd.conf man page, do I need to do this with 
classes/subclasses or is there some other simple option?


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2019 21:10:45 +0100
From: Simon Hobson <>
To: Users of ISC DHCP <>
Subject: Re: stuck up record in DNS
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Nepryakhin Ivan <> wrote:

> I'm encountered with a strange issue:

See below - it's "correct" operation for your example

> cuted of the file dhcpd.conf:
> ## DDNS related configuration
> ddns-update-style interim;
> ddns-rev-domainname "";
> ddns-domainname "tsc.";
> update-static-leases on;
> group {
>         option routers;
>         ddns-hostname = host-decl-name;
>         update-optimization false;
>         update-conflict-detection false;
> # example host 
>             host host12 {
>                 hardware ethernet 18:31:BF:xx:xx:xx;
>                 fixed-address;
>         }
> }

Where you have a host entry, the lease does NOT go through the normal lifecycle 
- and would not normally appear in the leases file.
Without the "update-static-leases on" statement, there would be no DNS update 
at all. With it, the DNS will be updated every time the host is leased that 
address - but those DNS records are never removed. Normally, the admin would be 
expected to add their own DNS entries to match host entries - the 
"update-static-leases on" statement is really just to save work.

If you want a "fixed" address for a host, and you want the DNS to be 
added/removed as required, then there is one option available. Add the 
"reserved" flag to a lease for the host - this fixed the lease so that it will 
not be allocated to another host. The lease is in all other respects the same 
as any dynamic lease.


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End of dhcp-users Digest, Vol 130, Issue 10

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