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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: dhcp relay responses (Alan Batie)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2020 10:47:25 -0800
From: Alan Batie <>
Subject: Re: dhcp relay responses
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"

OK, thanks!

On 1/30/20 11:26 PM, Simon Hobson wrote:
> Alan Batie <> wrote:
>> We are setting up a private network with dhcp.  The router for the
>> private network is setup to relay dhcp to an external isc dhcpd server.
>> The requests to the dhcpd server come from the public address of the
>> router, however dhcpd is replying to the private address.  I don't see
>> anything in the docs for managing the replies.  We are trying to avoid
>> routing the private network even internally.  Are we out of luck?
> Short answer: yes
> Longer answer:
> There must be end to end IP connectivity between clients and server - without 
> "broken" things like NAT in the way. Even if you worked around the problem 
> with the relay, you'd find clients having problems later when they unicast a 
> renewal request to the server and it unicasts a response directly to the 
> client.
> As to why the responses are sent to to private address of the relay ... 
> That's because the server uses the GI Addr field in the relayed packet - 
> firstly to select an appropriate address pool, and secondly to determine 
> whete the response needs to be returned to. Thecrelay agent would then use 
> the destination address of the packet to determine which locally connected 
> interface to send the response out on.
> So if the server can't receive & send packets from/to both the relay agent 
> and clients directly - DHCP won't work.
> Up to you whether you relicate the server, tunnel packets to/from it, or 
> something else ...
> Simon
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> dhcp-users mailing list

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End of dhcp-users Digest, Vol 136, Issue 1

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