*Hi all,DHIS version 2.30 is out with many new features, apps and
improvements.Login with admin/district on the demo
<http://play.dhis2.org/2.30/> system.ANALYTICS FEATURES---Linkable
dashboards: Individual dashboards can now be linked to through the URL.
This makes it easier to share dashboards through email and chats.Screenshot
| Demo
in interpretations and comments: You can now mention users in
interpretations and comments by using @. Users who are mentioned will
receive a notification in the messaging app. Notifications over email and
SMS can also be enabled through user settings. Interpretations can be
written from the right-side panel.Screenshot
| Demo
to analytics items:  You can now subscribe to analytics items. Subscribing
means that you will receive a notification whenever a new interpretation or
comment is made for the analytical object you subscribed to. Look out for
the bell icon.Screenshot
| Demo
panel in maps: The maps app now has an interpretations panel to the right
which lets you write new interpretations and view existing ones for a
| Demo
menu in maps: The maps app now supports the file menu you are used to from
pivot table and chart apps.Screenshot
| Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/2.30/dhis-web-maps/#>Buffers in event map
layers: You can now render buffers for events in the maps app. This is
useful e.g. for visualizing coverage of health services. Zoom in to see
buffers on the demo.Screenshot
| Demo
entity thematic layer: The maps app now provides a thematic layer for
viewing tracked entities. Users can choose the the tracked entity type,
program, active or complete, period of last updated, organizational unit,
and style including an optional buffer. Screenshot 1
| 2
| 3
| Demo
by data items in event maps: In the maps app you can now style each event
layer independently, i.e. chose the color and size of event points and
clusters.Screenshot 1
| 2
| Demo
have completely rewritten 5 web apps to provide a consistent and better
user interface and improve the software architecture:User app: The user app
has been redesigned with Material UI to provide a more elegant and
user-friendly interface. User roles and authorities management have been
reworked to make it a lot clearer and easier to get the overview of the
available authorities. Tracker authorities have been replaced to a large
extent by the new data level sharing model, simplifying the setup of
tracker user roles.Screenshot 1
| 2
| Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/2.30/dhis-web-user/index.html>Import-export
app: The import-export app also has a new, fresh look. The new app also
exposes a lot more of the features and options available through the API in
a rich and intuitive interface.Screenshot 1
| 2
| Demo
app: The messaging app is also refreshed, and styled in the manner of
modern email and messaging clients. Messages are categorised on the left to
allow clear distinction of different types of message for different uses.
The ticket message type allows the messaging platform to be used as a
simple and effective ticketing system. The new messaging app allows for
adding people to an existing conversation, and to search message
conversations based on the message content.Screenshot 1
| 2
| 3
| Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/2.30/dhis-web-messaging/index.html>Data
quality app: The data quality app has been rewritten and features a
Material UI based design which is simpler and more intuitive to
use.Screenshot 1
| 2
| Demo <https://play.dhis2.org/2.30/dhis-web-data-quality/index.action>Data
administration app: The data administration app has been rewritten and has
a nicer-looking UI. The analytics table generation UI has been moved here
from the reports app.Screenshot 1
| 2
| Demo
FEATURES---MODEL UPDATESOwnership concept: A tracked entity instance (TEI)
can now be owned by one org unit per program. The owner will be the latest
organization unit that enrolled the TEI into each program. A TEI is
searchable in the context of every organization unit that owns any programs
for that tracked entity instance, as well as the original registering
organization unit. When performing a permanent referral, ownership of the
program in the tracked entity instance will be transferred to the receiving
organization unit, while the registration org unit remains the same for the
purposes of analytics.Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-3627>Enhanced relationships:
The relationship model is updated to be more expressive and expandable. All
relationships are now modelled as one-way relationships. In version 2.30
relationships between tracked entity instances are supported. Each side of
the relationship now is constrained to a tracked entity type and the types
on the two sides might be different.Screenshot
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-3345>SECURITYImproved UI for
sharing programs and stages: Building on the new granular sharing model
there is now an improved UI for sharing programs and program stages
available. The add and edit program wizard now includes a step called
Access where the configurator will be presented with tools to share the
program and program stages. Screenshot
| Demo
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2151>Breaking the glass: If the
program access level is set to protected the user is now required to
provide a reason for reading a tracked entity instance belonging to an
organisation unit where the user does not have data capture access. The
reason given will be stored and linked to the tracked entity instance and
| Docs
| Jira
<https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-1326?jql=text%20~%20%22glass%22>  Improved
audit logs: Audit logs will now retain information on users that read
enrollments, whether or not they change or enter data. This will enable
improved audit reporting tools and UI in future releases.Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-3480>Capture polygons for
events: It is now possible to to capture map polygons instead of
coordinates (points) for events.Screenshot
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-3146>PROGRAM RULESOrganisation
unit groups in program rules: New function that allows program rules to
check whether the user is part of an organisation unit group. Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2724>Hide options and option
group with program rules: Use program rules to selectively hide options in
an option set. Option groups can be used to hide or show options
effectively for large option sets. This feature can be used when some data
entered into an event can help qualify or disqualify options in an option
set. An example is showing relevant malaria vectors based on the location
of the infection.Screenshot 1
| 2
| Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-431>Variable for program rule
runtime environment: Program rules now have a new variable that can be used
to see which runtime environment is triggering the rule: Web client,
Android client or server. This can be useful when making a rule that for
example only should run on the web client and not on Android.Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-3129>UI RENDERING OPTIONSIcon
library for metadata: You now have the ability to associate icons to
programs, stages, data elements and the options of an option set. There are
currently 134 icons available through the maintenance app. In the Android
app, program icons render in the home screen, and stage icons render when
adding a new stage. For data elements and options, the icons render for
single event programs when a section contains a single data
element.Screenshot 1
| 2
| 3
| Demo
| Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2443>Color palette for
metadata: The new Android app can now assign background colours for
programs, stages, data elements and options in option sets. A color in the
maintenance app allows selection from a optimized color palette.Screenshot
| 2
| Demo
| Docs
| Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2441>Rendering types for
program sections: For the new Android app, a program section with a single
data element and associated option set can render the options in sequential
or matrix layout based on the the associated icon of the option. Screenshot
| 2
| 3
| Docs
<https://docs.dhis2.org/master/en/developer/html/webapi_render_type.html> |
Jira <https://jira.dhis2.org/browse/DHIS2-2439> GENERAL
FEATURES---Horizontal scalability: DHIS 2 can now be scaled horizontally at
the application layer by hosting multiple DHIS 2 application instances in a
cluster. Several technical challenges have beens solved, such as shared
sessions, shared application cache and cluster leader election through the
use of the Redis data store, and Hibernate cluster cache invalidation. The
Redis data store is a requirement for horizontal scalability.Docs
authentication: You can now enable two-factor authentication for your DHIS
2 user. This lets you to enable a secondary authentication step for
improved performance, using a TOTP
based authentication app such as Google Authenticator
You can enable 2FA from Profile menu > Account settings. Admins can disable
2FA for other users from the list of users in the user app.Docs
FEATURES---Kafka support: DHIS 2 now utilizes Kafka for queueing events
sent to the API before being imported into the system. This will allow for
improved performance and scalability of bulk imports of events, enrollments
and tracked entity instances.Docs
INFO---Release InformationLinkDownload release and sample
<https://www.dhis2.org/downloads>Documentation and
<https://www.dhis2.org/documentation>Upgrade notesUpgrade notes on GitHub
about each feature on JIRA (requires
<https://jira.dhis2.org/issues/?filter=10708>Overview of issues on JIRA
(requires login)https://jira.dhis2.org/issues/?filter=10873
<https://jira.dhis2.org/issues/?filter=10873>Source code on
Githubhttps://github.com/dhis2 <https://github.com/dhis2>Demo
<https://play.dhis2.org/2.30/>Instructions for signing up for DHIS 2
mailing listshttps://www.dhis2.org/contact
<https://www.dhis2.org/contact> Enjoy the new release.Best regards,The
DHIS2 development team*
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