At 23:38 20.02.02 +0000, Alan Horkan wrote:
> [...]
>BTW where in the code is the home dir set?  i think Application Data is
>the appropriate place to put the .diarc (and on multiuser windows
>%userprofile%/Application Data).  I'd like to _try_ and solve the problem
>so that it "just works", unless of course someone else has followed up on the
>other similar suggestions made recently...
IMO using some strange Micros~1 definition is _not_ the right way to go.
Problems like this should probably used on the toolkit level.

It probably will vanish, when g_get_home_dir() from glib-1.3 (than 2.0)
is used.
It returns the homedir; if not available the tmpdir; if not available
"C:\". And all the people not reading any FAQ but starting complains
have probably deserved to get the C: root dir filled with junk
and they probably won't even notice :-)


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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