At 16:26 23.06.02 +0200, Hans Breuer wrote:
>At 16:12 23.06.02 +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
>>Le Sun, Jun 23, 2002, à 03:32:23PM +0200, Hans Breuer a écrit:
>>>     dia_font_new_from_style(DIA_FONT_SANS | DIA_FONT_BOLD, 0.42) 
>>> which I hope could replace the BASIC_SANS_FONT, ... above. It appears
>>> to me that at least the win32 Pango backend isn't capable of
>>> loading such.
>>Oh, I see.
>I'll take this as a 'yes please' ;-)
It just arrived in cvs. Here's the ChangeLog entry:

2002-06-23  Hans Breuer  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

        * lib/font.[hc] : starting to beautify the new
        font api: proper namespacing, adding convenience
        functions like dia_font_new_from_style(), ...

        * objects/uml/*.c : use the new convenience functions.

        [Next thing I plan to do is changing the other font
         functions to take DiaStyle and make Style and 
         BASIC_*_FONT vanish. As well as giving some love to
         If anyone want's to help on converting the other
         objects to the new api during that, I would highly 
         appreciate it.]

That is searching for BASIC_ in the other objects and replace
it by the simpler dia_font_new_from_style call as is done in
the uml object already. Taking and commiting one object at
a time is probably the right way to go ... 

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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