At 12:27 16.11.02 +0100, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
>Le Sat, Nov 16, 2002, à 11:39:34AM +0000, Robert Smith a écrit:
>> Heh on linux this is easy to do especially on icewm as you can simply
assign the main windows (options etc) to another screen layer. This option
does not exist in windows, and as far as i know there is no built in method
for doing this.
>Well, in Windows you can flag a given window with the WM_TOPLEVEL attribute
>(you can't do this after the binary has been compiled, like good wms allow
>to do). The question now is: does gtk provide a way to programmatically set
>this flag, in a platform independent way (this would translate into the
>suitable GNOMEWM hint on sane platforms)? This is a question more for Hans I
It's HWND_TOPMOST and does get set by some gdk 2.0 functions. But 
if these are portable implementations or just half-baked emulations 
of X11 functionality, I simply don't know.
See gdk/win32/gdkwindow-win32.c (and s/win32/x11/). If there is a
gdk/x11 way to reliable set this window state, it would be quite 
simple to do it on win32.

-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to 
get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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