> > ignore everyone
> > listen to me!!!
> > there is a bug report, i might look it up tomorrow ...
> where, when how?

In Gnome Bugzilla under the Dia component of course.  All you had to do
was look, where else might it be.

> Is there a path for transitioning Rose models to dia/UML?

So the question said Dia or UML and XMI is another UML format.
I read the question as "Dia UML" not Dia or UML.

> Ummm.... My knee jerk reaction was spot on.

It was not spot on.  Helpful maybe, but you over estimate to say you were
spot on.

Crazybeans is not a part of Dia, nor does it produce Dia or Xfig files
that can be imported into Dia.  While it is a potential path it is not an
actual path.

my head hurts, guess what i blame ... (for the answer see my email from
late last night).

Alan Horkan

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