At 08:51 03.02.04 -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
>From: "Luc Cessieux" <cessieux hotmail com>
>> How i can make a plug-in with Python?
>The Dia TWiki has a bit of info on that, the rest I'll leave up to Hans and
>the code examples that come with Dia.
The probably best description (beside the TWiki, the .py files in
dia/plug-ins/python and the respective c sources) is the ChangeLog.
At least I try to describe there what can be done with features
added. [Usual new features are added because I want to realize
something in Python rather tahn in C.]

But to the point. Implementing Objects in PyDia currently isn't
possible and isn't really planned and quite some amount of work.

There are three major task to make it possible :
 - Wrapping the 'opposite' renderer API, i.e. object need to use
   the renderer interface. There currently is only the possibility
   to implement a renderer in Python (require to do export filters).
   Also all complex parameters need to be convertable from Python
   to C, bezier and the like. 
 - Implement the delegation to Object (see dia/lib/object.h) which
   is done in Python. Probably even more from the class hierachy
   need to be wrapped/interfaced as well (Element, OrthConn, ...)
 - The rest, i.e. registration, serialization and everything I've 
   forgotten ;-)


>Lars Clausen (| HÃ¥rdgrim of Numenor
>"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I
>will defend to the death your right to say it."   | Where are we going, and
>    --Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire  | what's with the
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