At 24.06.2013 17:48, Mirko Vukovic wrote:

I am writing some lisp (Common Lisp) code to export dia files to png
files.  Right now, I am using the command line switch (-e).

That's the only supported way ...

But I am wondering if it is possible via one of Dia's libraries using a
foreign function call.
... on Windows it might be possible to use app_init() from dia-app.dll, which is basically the old main function taking the command line argument count and the string array as parameters. But please remember that Dia is an application and not designed as an API for diagram processing.

If so, which library, and what is the function
name, and in what file is it defined.

Every Dia format except the native diagram format is useable via the second Dia language bindings [1]. See for an example script in Python.

The language bindings create with SWIG, which list CLISP as one of the supported target languages. See:

But you would probably need to write some Lisp specific code on your own.


-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it.                -- Dilbert
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