I am sorry for not posting to the list for a while and not making the new
release when I promised.  I have been busy at work and other projects, but
that is not a good excuse for not putting in the time for dia as

I have been talking with Cyrille and Lars about whether either of them
want to take over maintainership of dia.  I am not going to stop
contributing -- I just don't know if I have enough time to be maintainer
(make releases, review and apply people's patches, coordinate, etc).
I hope that I can help out with the move to gtk 2.0, for instance.

I told Lars and Cyrille that I would put together a new release last week,
but did not get round to making the release then due to some gnome build
breakage in the menu code.

This was in the code for adding menu items for plug-ins.  I added a
following function:
  GtkWidget *menus_add_path (const gchar *path);

which has implementations for both GtkItemFactory and GnomeUIInfo (the
gnome version is ugly but works).  I modified the plugin callback code in
menus.c to use this API, so things work with both gtk+ only and gnome

I also enabled the python plugin in the build, as libtool-1.4 (which was
released recently) contains the features needed to build it (libtool-1.3.x
would not build it successfully, as it couldnt link libpython.x.y.a
against a shared library).  To build the python plugin, you need to pass
the --with-python option to configure.

I modified how the python plugin loads as well.  It now only loads a
single script at startup -- $(datadir)/dia/python-startup.py.  This script
then goes on to import all the plugins found in $(datadir)/dia/python and
~/.dia/python.  At present, only the gtkcons python plugin is installed
(the others seemed to be mainly for debugging purposes, so they are in the
tarball but not installed).  You can activate a python console with the
"Python Console" item in the dialogs submenu of the right click menu of
any diagram.

I will upload the tarball once a "make distcheck" has completes


WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

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