On Fri, 11 May 2001, Lennon Day-Reynolds wrote:

> Okay, there's just one more thing that I've found in 0.88 which makes it
> balk on compilation, and I recognize it from the CVS build and simply
> forgot I had to work aroung it. In the python plugin Makefile.am, the
> INCLUDES variable declaration has the line '-I $(GTK_CFLAGS)', which (at
> least on my RH7/GTK+ 1.2.10 system) gives an output of '-I-I
> /usr/include/gtk-1.2 [...]'. The extra include directive causes gcc to
> discard the rest of it, and I get errors about there being no file named
> 'gtk/gtk.h'. If the like in the makefile is changed to just say
> '$(GTK_CFLAGS)', it compiles fine.

Bugger.  Since this is a small bug (and I haven't made an announcement
outside of this list), I just ssh'd into master.gnome.org to fix the
tarball.  The fixed one should be on the mirrors within a day or two.  The
new tarball's size is 1964975.  MD5 sum is:
  8343ccd4cbb7d8ced3e00346fef65c21  dia-0.88.tar.gz


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