Le ven, mai 18, 2001, à 07:30:01 +0200, Andre Kloss a écrit:

> Am I blind? Or do you use the latest CVS snapshot? (I am not root
> here...too bad...) Or do you mean this option is hidden at another
> place of the program but the menu?

I've just re-tried with both 0.86 and my CVS copy to be sure (but I could
swear this was older). Select a few objects, then right click on them.
"Group" is in fact the Objects submenu, not the Select one (sorry for that

What could be desirable would be a way to edit the properties of a member of
a group -- but I don't know how to handle editing the properties of a member
of a group, itself a member of a larger group, with a way to do this intuitive 
enough so it's useful to users.

        -- Cyrille


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