The new release of Dia is finally available.  Release 0.88.1 contains many
fixes over the 0.86 release.  The 0.87 release was not announced due to
some build problems and 0.88 because of some gettext related packaging
problems.  If you have either of these builds and were having trouble
building or using them, please upgrade to this release.

It is available at:

An installer for the Windows version of Dia can be found here:

The main updates since the last release are:

dia-0.88:  11-May-2001
* Input method support should work correctly now.
* SVG shape files now use namespace from final W3C recommendation.
  Addon shapes will have to be modified to use the namespace for SVG.  SVG export filter
  also uses correct doctype.
* menus should now work in both gtk+ and gnome builds and have no i18n
  related problems.  Don't look in app/menus.c.
* pstricks renderer output should now work fine without modification now.
* gdk-pixbuf is now a requirement for building dia.  It no longer
  falls back to imlib if it can't find gdk-pixbuf.
* handle "file not found" errors better in the image object type.
* Dia now has documentation thanks to the GDP.  The help menu now has
  more than just an about menu item.
* Antialiased drawing mode probably won't crash dia anymore
* Dia has a splash screen now (which can be turned off with the
  --nosplash option).
* Updated bonobo support (when --enable-bonobo is used)
* added expose event compression for the dia canvas, which makes dia
  more usable over remote X connections.
* Many objects updated to use properties interface.
* experimental unicode print support (--enable-unicode)
* updates to the python plugin and now distribute it with dia (--with-python)
* many new shapes and export filter plugins.
* other bug fixes.



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