The following email comes from Andrea Taylor here at the Center for Media & Community.... -ac

Leaders from the industry, education, and research communities convened last night in New York City to kickoff the two-day Invitational Summit on the Power Users of Technology hosted by the Education Development Center, Inc. in collaboration with the United Nations Fund for International Partnerships at UN Headquarters. John Gage, Vice President & Chief Researcher for Sun Microsystems, gave a provocative keynote address that underscored the impact of growing numbers of technically-talented youth around the world, so-called "power users," who will influence the future of education, work, and society at large.

During the Q& A following the keynote and panel speakers, Bonnie Bracey and
other attendees highlighted the digital divide issues that still prevent
many youth around the world from participating in the digital future.
Summit organizer Joyce Malyn-Smith, EDC project director, and Janet Whitla,
EDC President, both agreed with Amir Dossal, UNFIP Executive Director, that
technology is a powerful tool for development and share the vision that
this initiative may spearhead new ideas and action in achieving the
Millennium Development Goals.  Selected sessions will be videotaped and
archived, and more information about the Power Users of Technology is
available at

Andrea L. Taylor
Vice President
Education Development Center, Inc.
Center for Media & Community
55 Chapel Street
Newton, MA 02458

T: (617) 618 2016

Sent via BlackBerry Wireless.


Andy Carvin
Program Director
EDC Center for Media & Community
acarvin @ edc . org

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