Phil Shapiro wrote:

>hi everyone -
>   there's a nice mention of DDN on this evening. the title
>of of the story
>is: IT and Natural Disasters
>       here's the opening text of the story.
>rikomatic writes "The Asian tsunami in December has dramatically shown how
>much SMS, email and the web are now indispensible parts of disaster
>recovery. The folks at the Digital Divide Network have organized a virtual
>conference on 'How New Media and the Internet are Reshaping Tsunami Relief
>Efforts' on Wednesday, Jan 12 at 10am, EST.
The Slashdot link is here:

And as always, there are some useful comments in between the... less
useful comments.

>          thanks are owed to rik panganiban, in new york city, who
>submitted this story.  his beautifully done web site is at
>           his DDN profile is at
>               thanks, rik.  you did good.  thanks, taran rampersad, too,
>for your pioneering work with sms and disaster relief. 
>taran's DDN profile is at
Err. Well, I wouldn't say it's 'pioneering', systems such as ARC have
been created prior and just never got the public eye. That the ARC
project - which has now halted - got as far as it did speaks more of
what concerned people can do, and serves as an interesting comparison to
what has been done prior with budgets. We didn't have a budget.

>                      - phil
>btw, this slashdot story will scroll off the slashdot site sometime on
>tuesday.   you'll still be able to find it in the story archives and under
>"yesterday's news" from the link at the bottom of the slashdot page.
Well, the above link solves that.

Taran Rampersad


"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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