Sorry the first one was blank... I left html send on....

RSS needs a double push to get passed the 5% stat:

1. More sites need to offer feeds to help pull readers back to their site in a non spam/pushy way BUT
2. Sites also need to start offering the resources to show people how to receive the feeds. A lot of people are seeing these little orange XML
boxes on sites but when I mention to clients “news reader” or “aggregator” they start saying “clipping service?”

Media outlets and organizations need to take the DDN's lead and have a prominent page on their site talking about what those little orange XML boxes are all about.see: “What's RSS and Why Should I Care About It?” :

Amnesty International also does a very attractive presentation and explanation of RSS and lists all the RSS feed categorizes that they are broadcasting.
See “What is RSS?” l

I know writing this up can be burdensome for organizations so I encourage any non-profit that would like prewritten content to use ours (see: ). We just did this for an new international development online community at American University so you can see how it can be customized to fit your organization here (see

I have not met many people who know about RSS who didn't think it was one of the cooler innovations to help them stay connected in an increasing information
overflow world. If all our sites have this and help people learn how to use, it it will spread even faster! If anyone has feedback on how to make RSS
documentation better you are more than welcome to start a blog post on or just head over to the mothership at wikipedia (



Eric Gundersen Development Seed Director of Program Development <> ericgundersen(skype) <CALLTO://ericgundersen> Tel. & SMS +202.297.0671 Fax. 1.806.214.6218

Stephen Snow wrote:

>Andy, et. al.,
>And the print journalists probably should still see themselves as print
>journalists. With only a 5% penetration of RSS, it is hardly a clarion call
>to change mindsets. As a longtime journalist, I also can tell you that as
>the concentration shifts, the media will shift; as the revenue potential
>becomes clearer, the media will shift. Certainly, newsrooms are struggling
>with the challenges of news presentation. Media concentration makes change
>harder for them because of the layers of bureaucracy.
>On a similar note, though, most newspapers still have not figured out how to
>use even the basics of the internet "engine" effectively. they are sticking
>to their old models and just hooking modules of internet "stuff" without a
>real plan. RSS is too small a concept right now for them. I also would say
>that community-level journalism, while it *could* become the achilles heel
>of journalism, is not likely any time soon to be anyhting that could be even
>slightly considered a threat, the tsunami response notwithstanding.
>There is a lot one could say about what makes journalism work. It is a
>difficult business. Sustaining even somewhat objective, credible reporting
>over time is expensive and requires ongoing training. Writing is not just a
>matter of sitting down and pouring thoughts into a blog. The value is in the
>credibility; the revenue value is in the reach. I'd say there might be a
>greater risk in information fragmentation and loss of credibility than
>anything else.
>But I will stop now.
> Stephen Snow, MA, National Certified Counselor
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] "Where love stops, power
> begins, and violence
> 704.569.0243 and terror." -- CG Jung
> Artist-Blacksmith Assn. of N. America (
> Assn. For Community Networking (
> Charlotte Folk Society (
>Int'l Society for the Study of Dissociation (
> Si Kahn (
> One Special Christmas (
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "Ja ten Doesschate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Friday, January 21, 2005 1:48 PM
>Subject: [DDN] Re: [WWWEDU] RSS: The Next ICT Literacy Challenge?
>>That may indeed be true, but Rosen's point was that the majority of
>>staff there still seem themselves as print journalists rather than
>>online journalists.... -ac
>>Ja ten Doesschate wrote:
>>>POI in relation to these comments - According to a Times editor, The New
>>>York Times [bastion of white upper class readers] now puts more
>>>effort into its online site because it has had more readers online then
>>>in print for quite awhile now.
>>>Ja Young
>>>*/Andy Carvin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
>>> Sounds like RSS feeds will be one of the next major ICT literacy
>>> challenges for the general public, particularly when only five
>>> percent of people on the Net use RSS and they tend to be white,
>>> well-off, and very well educated, according to the folks at Pew. It
>>> will take this particular technology literacy (RSS savviness) for
>>> people to achieve media literacy and be well-informed as more
>>> journalism and civic discourse is produced for the Internet rather
>>> than broadcast or
>>> print.... -ac
>>>Do you Yahoo!?
>>>Yahoo! Search presents - Jib Jab's 'Second Term'
>>Andy Carvin
>>Program Director
>>EDC Center for Media & Community
>>acarvin @ edc . org
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