Hi All,

I had posted to the group earlier a plan I had of teaching a class this
year on IT for Development at University of California, Berkeley. We
have started teaching the class (I will post the syllabus and slides
shortly, and can mail them offline to anyone who wants them). At this
point, I am looking for projects for my students which are both worth
their time, as well as useful to the general body of knowledge on IT and

If there is anyone out there who is interested in research in a specific
direction, and would like to have me get a few students to work on it
for you (gratis), please drop me an email. I have a group of highly
competent and qualified students (evenly split between masters, doctoral
and bachelors), and am going to assign class projects over the coming
weeks. Essentially a typical project would be a short research document
(15-20 pages), including a presentation of the project and a defense in
front of the class of research design and conclusions.

If you have projects in mind that you are interested in having people
work on, please send me a short _one or two-page description_ on what
you would like done, and specify whether you would consider being a
mentor for the project. Also include any contact information students
would need to get in touch with you and discuss the project to greater
detail. Please cc this reply to joyojeet(at)berkeley.edu.

If a proposal interests a group of students, they will use the initial
brief to work on a paper, and update you from time to time on their
work, and perhaps seek some guidance (and access to information if the
project centered around a topic to which propreitary information is
needed). I will give preference to projects for which the research is in
the public domain.


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