Oh, my goodness! If this is why anyone believes that Gandhi's struggle was
met with resistance and brutality by colonialism, you're sadly missing the
point of human politics and the nature of society, communication and

Hats off the the guys at Telecom Italia for pulling our heart strings but
while communication may be key to ending global inequity, communication
requires that people listen, understand and are willing to accommodate, not
that it occurs on one media or another. This is far more complex that any
circumstance of technology. Why should crowds fill Red Square, Times Square,
tune-in in Roman plazas, meeting rooms at Whitehall, villages in rural Asia
and southern Africa just because of ICT? Did they not have newspapers, radio
and newsreels at the time of Gandhi but was he still not considered a kin to
a terrorist - no matter how much, in hindsight, that we would all plea that
he was a man of non-violence? How many of you have visited the Al Jazeera
website lately?

Imagining the 'digital' divide solely as a matter of access to technology is
to poorly estimate the importance of socio-political and economic relations
and to incredibly misrepresent the significance of ICT. Media verbiage of
this kind are what mask real causes of societal inequity and stints
discussion of how to use ICT meaningfully for social change.

Oliver Moran

Digital Media Centre
Dublin Institute of Technology

Oliver (at) sony-youth.com

> >>I think that this is a pretty cool way of looking at why the Digital
> >>Divide should be bridged. Flash required, but... it's worth it. And I
> >>hate flash. But this is really cool, imaginative... and thought
> >>
> >>Rohit Gupta wrote:
> >>
> >>>Gandhi rocks gain...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >Folks:
> >
> >Taran is on the money here. For all the reasons he states.  Take a peek.
> >
> >Don Samuelson

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