Sabi ni Phil noong Wed, 23 Feb 2005 22:22:03 -0500 (EST):

>    this new version of a linux-based portable media player has features
> that we might see coming from other companies working in the portable
> media player space.
>                      - phil

Strictly speaking, it's much more than "just" a portable media player --
it's a full computer, just that Archos is marketing it as a media
player. There might be some way to get into a command prompt, just that
the Web site doesn't make that clear. It does seem that you can install
some applications, the nature of which isn't clear from the site.

>    i predict someone will be adding the ability to shoot video with a
> portable media player device.  at some time these devices will let you
> edit video, too -- probably using an external monitor of some kind. the
> tiny playback monitor is too small to edit video on.

I don't really see why that's not possible now. If you attach a
Linux-supported USB camera might do the trick. The missing part of the
equation is recording from that camera -- maybe with some software
application that's not part of stock installation?


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