Dear Andy:

I am glad to hear you liked the talk by Prof. Swaminathan. It is not for nothing I decided nine years ago to leave a senior position in the Indian science establishment to join him as a full-time volunteer. He has the vision. If only we had enough people to translate his vision into reality, the world will be a different place!

[Subbiah Arunachalam]

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy Carvin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2005 7:27 PM
Subject: [DDN] almost time to go home...

It's 7pm in Mumbai and I'm chilling for a few hours at the Kohinoor Hotel
prior to going to the airport. We had a crazy day today, leaving Baramati
for breakfast at a milk factory, then touring an emu farm with a wireless
kiosk for local farmers. We then made our way to Mumbai for the next six
hours, stopping at an enormous rest stop for lunch and snacks. One of our
Indian colleagues had us over for tea, where we got to me her family and
two dogs. Eventually, we reached the Kohinoor, where some people quickly
left for the airport, others left for the bar, still others left for the
city -- and I spent about 30 minutes cleaning up melted duty-free French
chocolate that I'd forgotten about in my computer bag.

Meanwhile, last night, M S Swaminathan gave one of the best speeches on why
we need to bridge the digital divide that I've heard in a long time. I
recorded it and plan to post it online once I get home, since bandwidth
limitations prevent me from doing it here. I may also take a crack at
transcribing it if the Baramati organizers don't.

Since the hotel has Internet access, I'm catching up on email one last time
before having a quick drink downstairs, perhaps a shower, then off to the
airport. So the next time I'm online will either be during my six-hour
layover in Paris or in Boston... -andy

andy carvin
acarvin at edc d0t org

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