
A project that I have been tracking for over three years has finally made it
to market in a big way.  That is India's Simputer project (www.simputer.org)

The Simputer is a design for a low-cost, PDA-like computer that could be
shared among users.  Why do I say "PDA-like"?

While most PDAs can really be used by only one person, the Simputer has
two USB ports as well as a smart card interface and a 4-pin serial interface.
It can handle wireless USB attachments, and comes in both a lower-cost
monochrome screen and a higher-cost color screen.

It uses a low-power, but high speed StrongARM processor, and the operating
system is Linux.  You could also hook on lots of other peripherals to the
USB ports (one is master/slave and one is master), such as disks and other
networking devices.

The system was designed for use not only by English speaking people, but
people who write in Hindu or Kannada.  It also has an application that allows
you to capture handwriting, so you can just write in any language.

For the illiterate, there is also a text-to-speech for Hindi and Kannada,
to allow illiterate people to use the Simputer.  Illiterate people are often not
stupid, they just can not read.  And for them to communicate back, the
Simputer has a built-in microphone and speaker.

Most interesting is that the Simputer was designed as a project by
universities and people who wanted to do "good things", so the hardware design
is readily available, and the Linux OS is "pure" GPL, with no hidden "stuff".

Finally, the vision for this "PDA-like" device was that it would be shared
among the people of a village or area, with each villager having their own
flash memory data stick to hold their own data, and just borrowing the
"PDA" when they needed to use it.

You can see the finished product at: http://www.amidasimputer.com/
and it was announced only two days ago.

The current costs (300 USD for the monochrome and 480 USD for the color
version) is a bit expensive if you think of it as a PDA, but two items:

        o it is based on a manufacturing run of 50,000 units, and could come
          down considerably in higher volumes

        o this is not really a PDA, but a complete computer system, and its
          costs could be shared

Take a look at it, and let me know what you think.

I congratulate the team that designed, built, and brought this to market.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
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Board Member: Uniforum Association, USENIX Association

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