
When I said "reply and react", I did not mean directly by email.  I meant that
they read the SPAM and somehow "reward" the SPAMer by buying the service or
reacting in some way that is traceable to the email sent (perhaps by
clicking on a specific link in the email).

I agree with the article completely....it supports my point.

> Intriguing; considering most SPAM I get is spoofed, I don't see how a reply
> would be possible.

Yes, but it is only MOST SPAM, and is only one way of people doing "impolite"
things in driving the cost even lower than the 1/100th of a cent by using
other people's resources.  We still have the issue of the SPAMers who
consider it their "right" and/or where it is perfectly "legal" to SPAM, or
where they feel they are SPAMMING for "the good of humanity".

I got a request to complete a survey today from three college students.
Nothing in their request really makes me think it is anything other than that,
and they probably sent it out because it was the easiest way to get input to
a social problem ("Do parents know what their children are drinking?").  A
laudable goal.  Yet it was unsolicited email, and therefore SPAM by my
rationale.  If a billion people woke up tomorrow and decided to ask only
one question of the world's population via email, we would be in big trouble.

We live in a world where we need to train people in the acceptable etiquette
of the Internet, just as we trained people about other forms of acceptable
etiquette.  And we need world-wide laws for those who decide that living
in polite society is below their needs.

>Good article. Thank you for inspiring me to find it on the web. :-)

I try to inspire people. :-)

Jon "maddog" Hall
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