I found it interesting because they seem to think that the war is between
Microsoft Windows and Linux, not between proprietary software and Free and Open
Source Software.  They rely on issues such as Microsoft making money on
Microsoft Office while they can lower the price of Windows.  But what happens
if OpenOffice eats away at those profits also?  And MySQL or Postgres (or
even ORACLE and DB2) eat away at Microsoft SQL?

Secondly, they talk about Microsoft's dominance in the world, yet they ignore
the fact that there are only 850 million general purpose computers, and
6.3 Billion people, which means that 5.6 Billion people have not selected their
operating system yet.  (Yes, I know that most of them will never own a computer
in their lifetime...but the dropping price of hardware makes this interesting).
Thus while Microsoft owns 90% of today's desktop market, they only own 8% of
the possible total.

Finally, what happens if any of the major world economies (or emerging
economies) decides to protect their developing FOSS industry with heavy import
duties on Microsoft software?  This could change the impact dramatically also.
Or if the WTO really comes down on piracy, and makes people in these countries
actually start paying for their Microsoft software?

I have no doubt that Microsoft will not give up the fight easily, but to say
that FOSS will "never" win is like saying (in the 1700's) that heavier than
air craft will "never" fly.

I found the study (as most studies trying to predict the future) a bit simple
and fairly useless.

Jon "maddog" Hall
Executive Director           Linux International(R)
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Board Member: Uniforum Association, USENIX Association

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