From: George Lessard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed Aug 10, 2005  4:51 pm
Subject: GIVING the poor a voice - The East African - Nairobi,Kenya
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GIVING the poor a voice
East African - Nairobi,Kenya
... In 1985, notes the World Association of Community Broadcasters
there were fewer than 10 independent radio stations on the entire


Read the Full Text of this MediaMentor post at this URL:


The increasing number of community radios shows that the ability of
ordinary people to communicate with each other has helped to promote
democracy and good governance in Africa, writes Itai Madamombe

THEIR TRANSMITTERS MAY reach only a few miles, but community radio
stations are enabling isolated communities across Africa to voice
their own concerns.

On air, ordinary citizens discuss issues that are central to them
such as gender relations and combating HIV/Aids. They share farming
tips and income generation ideas and explore ways to improve

"Development work at times can be like sleepwalking in fog," Denise
Gray-Felder, president of the Communication for Social Change
Consortium, said. "You know you're not where you are supposed to be,
and you can sense motion, but it is unclear exactly where you're
headed. A frequently missing 'guidepost' in development work is local
voices. Community radios provide profound new opportunities for more
inclusive sustainable development."

David Dillard
Temple University
(215) 204 - 4584
Digital Divide Network

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