This answer won't post on K-12, so I am answering you on another forum that I 
know you use.

Why Cell Phones?

I think, since I am editing a book on global use of technologies, that there 
are many countries looking for what a way is to get involved in technology, 
that will give them the most bang for their buck. 

Admittedly, I often just do the new technology because I can't escape it. My 
friend Ray Rose, of and Andy, entice me to wander into the new 
uses of technology, by demonstration, by involving me in the study of it, or by 
making the idea of it so interesting I could not resist. There is something 
about mentored help that makes you leap the hurdles of faith.

Think a minute.. you are not driving the same car that you learned to drive 
with.. and you certainly are not going to wait until they " get it right!".

I had a Palm for a   long time, that I did not use. I bought it, but then I 
had to buy something else and then I had to be on line. I put it in the closet.

 The stepping up to new use takes a lot of patience when there is no tech 
support for some of us. But Ray Rose and another friend copied all of the notes 
that were in a meeting ,and offered to beam them to me. Well, my Palm was at 
home. At a meeting in Poptech, similar technologies were used to create a 
network that beamed us all in so we had email access, and information for all 
smart tags. Also at NCSA, the Supercomputing conference we had smart tags for 
kind of reasons. Same technologies, different use. The information you get is 
attracted me. In countries with few landlines.. the leapfrog was phenomenal. 
Gender use did not seem to matter.

Making Mistakes

Sometimes I make the wrong purchase. I have a minitelevision that I thought 
would be helpful for long flights , ... the points inbetween. But I found that 
most of the airports have a kind of TV, and that it was a nuisance more than 
an interesting tool. The point is it is not , an intelligent tool. With my 
phone now, I can text message, but I don't very often, I can take pictures on 
spot and transmit them. i can access the news, and .. so much more. More 
importantly, if it is an airline that I am on and I am held up I can consult 
them, and reach the people meeting me, and vice versa.

Being Involved in Knowledgenetworks Helps

I was involved in the project based look at the new technologies 
and we studied the cell phone, variations of it from many angles. I also have 
been working in Europe where the cell phone has leapfrogged over land lines. 
I dragged my computer to Mykonos, but had to go to an Internet cafe to use the 
computer. No telephone land lines My goose was cooked.   Meanwhile my friends 
were happily textmessaging friends in Italy and so on. Every day I had to go 
out in the hot sun, ( But the island is beautiful) to go to the Internet cafe.

So sometimes the shift has a reason. I used to be able to use AOL from around 
the world but there are new sophisticated ways that access through phone 
lines can be denied in various countries.

Really interesting was the use of more sophisticated versions of handhelds. I 
invite you to peruse SRI's resources at

Being with the Big Dogs

I attended an NSCA all hands meeting. It was about this kind of technology. I 
had a headache at first there was so much to learn. Everyone else seemed to 
know it all but gradually as the lectures went on , i learned more and more.

I found applications that made me happy and I began to write, explore, and 
use new technologies.
I did not have money to investigate the MIT crickets, but I saw 
demonstrations. I did not have the money to invest in individual clickers,.. an 
off stream 
use of the possibilities, but I really liked the idea that each child in the 
class could have a device that would let them participate, both for my 
understanding of their knowledge and my ability to understand ,if they got what 
I was 
So I became a convert. Never got invited to the vendor meetings like most 
teachers. Didn't matter.
I had been involved in the research, saw the possibilities of use, knew the 
limits of my funding .
I only wished for a carton of 30 to take to schools to help teachers cross 
over the nuisance line with them. But the researchers often have such a 
wonderful technology environment that they did not judge this to be a good use 
funds in the project.   I guess I call it the test drive the device.. and I 
have had a powerpoint to explain it.

Research Tidbits

I made my project idea up anyway, cited the research, created the powerpoint 
and went to the Georgia Technology Conference. What a dissapointment . I can 
read crowds.. most of the people in my sessions, who were evaluating me, were 
sitting with their arms crossed. I could hear one of the people in the audience 
saying, " That gal must be teched in the head if she thinks that people are 
going to use devices like that." I did not get a resounding accolade from the 
audience. It hurt my feelings.. but that's life.

But a researcher, at the end of my unappreciated talk, asked for my research 
to put in her database.
That cheered me up a little . My evaluations were dismal.

Consumer Acceptance

Later that year, the ad about pictures on phones came out and there was a mad 
rush by consumers to use the picture phones. Textmessaging has always been an 
interest of the very young. I imagine that I can't do it well because I have 
to use my glasses to see the position of the letters. I am told that after a 
while, like on the keyboard, the placement is mental and you don't have to 
look. But I am not there.

Meanwhile there are new things to think about.

It's an interview with the inventor of Cellphedia, which is a kind of cell 
phone version of WikepediaEnd Notes

Perhaps the problem is in accepting new learning for all of us.

Readings to probe.( Contributed to me by Ray Rose)

Look at:

and for fun....

Be aware of the fact that the US does not have the lead in technology in 
everything, particularly in the cell phone era. 
Have you read "Smart Mobs".
And, there is more.. I copied this to some of the researchers whom I worked 
with. Maybe they will contribute information.

Bonnie Bracey

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