Good morning

Duh. I normally type URLs in browsers' address boxes: a search engine's URL if I want to search the web. Yesterday, though, I absent-mindedly skipped this part and typed the search words directly in the Firefox address box: I immediately got a relevant page.

Browsers call up a search engine if you just type words in their address box: Explorer calls search MSN, giving you a list of results - Firefox calls Google in "I feel lucky" mode, which opens the first site of the results list directly.

For instance, if I type my surname in the address box, I get my personal page at through Google with Firefox, and I get a search.msn list of links, starting with a site in Arabic (*), with Explorer.

Shouldn't this boost in theory the market share of search.msn, compared to Google and to yahoo search (which doesn't get summoned by any browser, apparently), as Explorer still remains the most used browser? And yet search.msn apparently remains the least used of the 3.

Maybe there aren't enough absent-minded people yet who type search words in the address box of their browser and find out that it also works. But once this becomes more widely known, will it boost the use of search.msn, or on the contrary, drive more people to use Firefox as a browser? Have their been studies on this search engine preference of browsers?

(*) (I wish I understood Arabic - I was not aware that there were Almansi's in Arabic-speaking countries). The called version of search.msn seems to vary according to the language version of Explorer: my Explorer being French, it calls the French version of search-msn. Firefox on the other hand calls (though in normal mode I get automatically transefered to



Claude Almansi

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