hi everyone -

    over the years several magazine and newspaper articles have been
written about community work i've been doing.  i've not been good
about keeping a scrapbook. my prior attitude was that it's not my role
to keep tabs of such things.

     i've changed my mind. there's no possible way anyone else could keep
tabs on such things. we who are involved in the technology access
movement  need to keep track of our work and what has been written
about it.

     some of that documenting is self-generated notes, reports and
blogging. and some of that documentation is what others have written.

     to get myself back on track, i've set up a section titled "Magazine
and Newspaper Articles" towards the end of the my Digital Divide
Network profile at http://www.digitaldivide.net/profile/pshapiro

     i've linked from that section to some scanned graphics of articles
written about work i've been doing.

      for example, here's an article i ought to have gotten up onto the
web 5 years ago, when it was written. the magazine which published
this is no longer in business, so i'm unable to link to the article
on their web site.


       on the same topic, here's an inspiring article about DDN and CTCNet
member pat furr in chico, california.

       if pat is reading this email, she can link to this article
from her own DDN profile at

        last month bonnie bracey linked from the bottom of her DDN profile
to a nice piece about her work that appeared in the new york

        if you have copies of articles written about your community work,
seize the opportunity to scan them and place them on the web. if a
new article comes out about your community work, you might want to
create a pdf file from it and place the pdf on the web.

        you can create pdf files easily from mac os x by choosing "Save as
PDF" from the pop-up menua the bottom of the Print dialogue box.

        on windows computers you can create pdf's for free
using http://www.pdf995.com/

         we must seize all opportunities to document the technology access
movement. in documenting the movement, we move it forward.

         that which is not documented pretty much doesn't exist.

           - phil

http://www.his.com/pshapiro/ (personal)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/blog/pshapiro (blog)
http://www.digitaldivide.net/profile/pshapiro (technology access work)
http://mytvstation.blogspot.com/ (video and rich media)

"Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others." - Desiderata
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