Dave A. Chakrabarti wrote:
(...) India is, in many ways, a better-than-first-world and a ridiculously-third-world nation at the same time. This dichotomy makes it very difficult to label India, and other nations like India (India is by no means alone) in terms of a category heading.

This is the dilemma in finding a vocabulary for thought processes on these nations. Suggestions?

Good point, but you might find similar chasms in France (see the present riots) and US.

I just translated into French a text from Dacia Valent's blog, http://orabasta.iobloggo.com, "Allonsanfàn" (permalink <http://orabasta.iobloggo.com/archive.php?eid=148>) where she says: "quando si parla di sviluppo sostenibile di solito ci si riferisce ai paesi emergenti." From a Google search, "pays émergents" in fr. and "emerging countries" in English are also quite frequent. Though the phrase doesn't appear in the UN Millenium Development Goals themselves, it did in the discussion, according to <http://www.un.org/Pubs/chronicle/2003/webArticles/111103_MDGs.asp>



Claude Almansi
Castione, Switzerland
claude.almansi @ bluewin.ch

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