Fouad Riaz Bajwa wrote:

I will not participate in such a biased forum and furthermore Civil Society
FOSS movements should boycott such a biased meeting because we all know why
this happens! The hidden political force that we are well aware of, buys out
everyone in the process and right on time!

I share your frustration, its yet another example of the daily struggle for recognition and survival that the free software community has to go through. However, traditionally the free software development model has involved collaboration rather than boycott as its main tool.

Sometimes its hard to work with people who dont understand the model, structure, nature and benefits of the free software community, but we must lead by example and just keep trying. Lets concentrate on the positive aspects of our free software community: sharing, caring, collaboration, choice and innovation, to name but a few.

On a positive note: both UNESCO and UNDP have collaborated with free software communities before.

This is something worth celebrating.


tom dot brough at blueyonder dot co dot uk

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