DDN Colleagues,

I am looking for good examples (ideally web pages) of mobile learning  
("M-learning")  delivered through web-accessible PDAs or mobile  
phones, ideally basic skills or English language learning, in  
hospitals or long-term care facilities.  I know that doctors, and in  
some cases nurses, use web-accessible PDAs for getting information  
and entering data.  If you have examples of doctors or nurses taking  
online courses using PDAs, using them  for just-in-time learning. or,  
better still,  of entry-level staff doing M-learning, please let me  
know. I am working on a project which will provide web-based basic  
skills instruction to entry level hospital and nursing home  
employees, and we are thinking of designing it so it is also  
accessible from PDAs.  Your comments on that concept would also be  


David Rosen

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