Georg Wrede wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:
Janderson wrote:
Walter Bright wrote:

Bartosz has signed me up to give a presentation at the January meeting of the NWCPP.

I am not sure what to talk about, though. Any particular D topics you'd find particularly interesting?

Problems in C++ that D solves.

A lot of people have asked me to stop talking about limitations in C++ <g> and instead concentrate on what D can do.

So don't TALK about them. Folks are sick and tired of hype and fud anyway.

Implicitly you'll address C++'s limitations anyhow, since there's obviously no point in talking about D stuff where C++ works equally well.

Combine Martha Stewart and Mythbusters. Pick a programming task or a small example application or algorithm, and show them that it can be written easily and painlessly with D. (Something that obviously would be a pain to do in C++.) BUT DON'T MENTION C++ EVEN ONCE in the presentation.

And let the audience themselves have the Aha of 'gee, i would have spent three days on that in my language', which obviously is C++.

Amen brother!


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