Georg Wrede Wrote:

> Eldar Insafutdinov wrote:
> > It didn't take very long after previous post to make a first
> > implementation of signals and slots(thanks to great people from #d)
> > which means that you can actually start doing something useful. 0.1
> > is probably most suitable tag for this release. Again - see tutorials
> > for how to use signals.
> I read on the following:
> "QtD requires tango. Those who use phobos should try tangobos or modify 
> qtd(that should not be very difficult)."
> I bet quite some of the non-Tango users ignore QtD because they don't 
> want to install Tango just for one thing.
> If you can find a Phobos user who has done this "not very diffcult" QtD 
> modification, he might write a short description. And a link to that 
> could be on the page, next to the sentence.
> Even better would of course be to make QtD work with both already.

of course once there is somebody to do this job, it will appear in repos. 
Moreover there will be starting a job to port it to D2. Most probably there 
won't be D1+phobos support. I don't use phobos myself and the trend is that 
some projects I like use tango. DWT is one of them and it also uses tango. So 
the main concentration will be on D1-tango and D2-phobos I guess.

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