torhu wrote:
Since there's still some interest in this project, I'm making a release. DAllegro enables the use of Allegro 4.2.2 with the D programming language. Allegro is a game programming library written in C.

Project page:

Here's the changelog:

- Compatibility with DMD 1.041 and 2.026.
- Compatibility with Tango 0.99.7 and 0.99.8, and some older versions.
- Support for building examples etc. with DSSS (Windows only for now).
- Minor tweaks to DBlocks.

I wasn't able to test on OS X, but hopefully it'll still work there. DAllegro probably won't work with DMD on OS X, though. No idea about the LDC compiler either. So GDC is the only option, unless someone with a Mac wants to help out. :)

Awesome. I'm taking a look.

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