Reply to Robert,

BCS wrote:

Major suggestion:

The auto compleat drop down is very un-aggressive. I'd love to see it
be Google style sort based rather than ordered-list/browse based.

JDT definitely has this and Descent has some.

(I'll admit I don't know much about how the auto-compleat works in descent because I've never gotten it to work correctly at all)

(or to a lesser extent, if they have members that are of the correct
type), and do infix matches rather than just prefix matches.

Infix matches would be cool, but... where should they be presented in
the list?

Sort based on how close to the start of the name the match is: prefix matches end up at the top, suffix matches just above non matches.

There is a feature in the Open Type dialog where you can type
acronyms, i.e. "DQL" and get "DatabaseQueryListener" as a suggestion.
Not sure how practical/useful this would be to implement in

will it find it if I ask out of order? Say, QDL?

Also nice would be history based sorting (the more often I use
something, the higher up it is).

VS has this & it's a nice feature.

Only kind of. I've never seen VS reorder entries in the drop down, so it can only places the start location on the most recent item. I'd want that one at the top of the list and then the rest sorted based on how recently I used them and how often I've used them in the last few hours or days.

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